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Flashes And Floaters Specialist

Retina Consultants, Ltd. -  - Medical and Surgical Retina Specialist

Retina Consultants, Ltd.

Medical and Surgical Retina Specialists located in Des Plaines, Libertyville, Lisle, Elgin, Hickory Hills & Wilmette, IL

Symptoms of eye damage include experiencing flashes and floaters in your vision. In most cases, they are harmless. In other cases, they can serve as a warning sign of something more serious. Seeing your specialist at Retina Consultants Ltd. in Des Plaines, Libertyville, Elgin, Lisle, Hickory Hills and Wilmette, Illinois, can help you detect if treatment is needed. To schedule a consultation about your eye health, call an office near you today or use the convenient online booking tool.

Flashes and Floaters Q & A

What are flashes and floaters?

Flashes of light are seen when tiny fibers in your eye pull on your retinal nerve cells. You can experience these flashes when rubbing your eyes.

Floaters can look like small specks, a little strand of thread, or a small cluster of spots in your eyes. They might float around with your eye movement or drift across your vision while staring at an object. They can also disappear if you try to look at them.

Flashes and floaters sometimes go hand-in-hand. You might have a floater that’s accompanied by a burst of light.

Scheduling an appointment with Retina Consultants Ltd. for an exam can ensure that your symptoms don’t indicate a more serious condition.

Are flashes and floaters common?

Flashes and floaters are extremely common, usually harmless, and typically increase with age. In some cases, flashes and floaters indicate that you have an underlying problem that’s more serious. If left untreated, it could result in vision loss.

Sometimes flashes and floaters are a sign of a retinal tear or detachment. That’s why seeing your ophthalmologist at Retina Consultants Ltd. is important. An evaluation of your eye health with an exam gives you a diagnosis that might or might not need treatment.

Scheduling regular checkups of your eyes is the best way to ensure your eyes stay healthy.

How are flashes and floaters treated?

Flashes and floaters are typically short-lived. However, if you’re experiencing them frequently and if they’re affecting your vision regularly, the team at Retina Consultants Ltd. can recommend eye exercises that you can practice at home.

If your condition is more serious, you can be treated with laser vitreolysis, an effective, outpatient procedure that vaporizes floaters.

What conditions cause flashes or floaters?

Even though flashes and floaters are common, they can appear for different reasons, including:

  • Age
  • Bleeding in the eye
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Tumors
  • Migraines
  • Nearsightedness
  • Eye inflammation

Sometimes flashes and floaters are signaling that you have a more serious condition that needs attention. To avoid the risk of vision loss, it’s imperative that you see your ophthalmologist at Retina Consultants Ltd.

If you have questions about flashes or floaters or any other eye problem you're noticing, visit the team at Retina Consultants Ltd. for a consultation. Call or book your appointment online today.

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